Monday, March 22, 2010

Her words....

"I love you" and she usually repeats it many times.
"I love you, more." We say that back and forth

"You're the best"

"You're my best friend"

Today, she said "you are beautiful." I tell the staff she can really make you feel good about yourself if you are having a bad day. They all smile as we talk with eachother.

But as I was driving to work after our visit, I thought God says the same things about her. He says, I love you...I love you more. He says you are the best and I am your best friend. Even if I don't always understand why we are going through this...I know that He loves her so much more than I do. He is in control and His ways are not our ways.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

joyful laughter

This morning I went with my mom to her exercise class at the nursing home. I was curious to see what it was like. She enjoys music and so they take her to class. She doesn't do most of the exercises, but today she was kicking her feet. Then they get out the big, bright, yellow exercise ball. They toss is back and forth. I watched my mom catch and throw the ball around 5 times. Each time, she had a great big smile on her face and said, "I did it." Everyone claps when she catches the ball. It was so awesome to see. I felt like a parent who had just seen their kid take their first steps. I am going back on Friday and will go again. This time I am taking my camera to take pictures. Her facial expressions are priceless and pictures will help me remember these good times.

Thank you, God for today. You are so good.