My favorite little blessings:
Her giggle. She can start to giggle at the most random time. But to me, that means she is happy and content. It is a beautiful sound.
At times, I think she gets restless....so, she starts to scoot in her wheelchair. She just takes off and I follow. The whole times saying, "Go, Mom, Go." To me, it means she still is using her legs and her brain.
Those at the nursing home who go above and beyond their job. Those that I now call friend.
The times at church when we are singing a hymn, I turn to her and sing it to her. She gets a big smile on her face. Or when she taps her foot along to the beat of music being played on a bagpipe.
When we sang Happy Birthday to a resident and my mom sang the last verse. The words weren't exactly right, but she sang.
Most people would overlook these little moments. But to me, they are little blessings. They are little reminders that my mom is still in there somewhere. Yes, the disease is changing her and continues to take her from me. But God continues to be faithful to the both of us and continues to give me these little blessings.
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